Little attention is paid to the issue of grief behavior in cats, largely because they are seen as independent animals protecting most of their ‘wild’ nature. However, cats show behavioral changes after the loss of another cat, and sometimes these changes can be difficult to understand.
When cats are too attached, they are more likely to be upset by the loss of their friends. Even cats that constantly fight can mourn the loss of their fight buddies. While no one will ever know if a cat understands death, they know for sure that they have lost a roommate and that things have changed in the house. The sadness felt by the owner in the event of a pet’s loss can also be reflected in the cat and add to the complexity that it can feel.
Grief symptoms
In fact, there is no way to predict how a cat will behave when it loses its friend. Some cats appear to be unaffected at all, and very few cats even appear to be positively happy when their housemates disappear. Other cats may stop eating and lose interest in their surroundings and sit alone; This shows that they are depressed. Very few cats show personality or behavior changes when they lose a friend.
No significant research has been done on the age of cats at loss. A survey by the American Society for the Prevention of Animal Torture found that cats ate less. Slept more, and made more noise after the death of a friend. However, according to the information provided by 160 family members who participated in the survey. All pets that lost a friend happily returned to normal within six months.
How can we help you on grief?
There are several things you can do to help a grieving cat overcome their loss. Keeping the changes to a minimum gives the cat time to accept the loss of a cat who is a friend. Maintain the cat’s routine practices in the same way. Changes in feeding times and even just moving furniture around can cause more stress. A grieving cat may stop eating her food. A cat who does not eat food for a few days is at risk from a potentially fatal liver disease called hepatic lipidosis. Encourage the food by gently warming it or by putting water or broth in it or eating the broth. Sit down with your cat to reassure you at mealtimes. Just do not attempt to change the food to increase appetite, as this may cause digestive problems. If the cat has not eaten for three days, seek veterinary advice.
Quality time
Spend more time with the grieving cat by grooming, grooming, and playing. This will allow the cat to develop a positive thought for any change it detects at home. Do not try to replace the lost cat immediately. Although your remaining cat may miss the cat with whom he has befriended for a long time, it is not possible to welcome a stranger while he is still upset about his loss. Meanwhile, the arrival of a new cat is just an extra source of stress.
As with many species, spending time sniffing his friend’s lifeless body and rubbing his nose against him can be a necessary part of the mourning process. Therefore, it may be beneficial to bring the body of the euthanized cat home rather than cremating it in the veterinary clinic. Whenever striking behavior changes occur, the cat should always be checked for an underlying physical problem. For unresolved behavioral problems can be referred to animal behavior specialists.
Do you want to know more about cat psychology? Click here.